Monday, March 30, 2009

It's been a while....

Time has flown by so fast, and I'm just getting around to updating my blog now!!!

Lot's of things going in the world of the Diva..

She turned 3 months old!!! Everyone tells you have fast time flies, and I'd be like thinking yeah okay, but seriously.. it really does!!! 3 months feels like yesterday even though the first month of her life is a complete blur to me. I was literally a walking robot!!! She giggles all the time now!!! I have a video of it, but I have no idea how to post it on here!!! If I knew I would.

She's her mother's child because she loves to sleep!!! She started sleeping though the night at about 2 months old, and I even had a 10 hour stretch last week. I checked her a thousand times when I woke up because 10 hours is the longest she's ever gone so I worried that she was in a coma!!! She cat naps during the day and takes a longer nap in the late afternoon.

I went back to work 2 weeks ago! It was hard. The Sunday before I was definitely a disaster area!!! I was just so worried that she was going to cry the whole day because she didn't know where she was, and all I kept picturing was her crying like she just wanted her mom. But she did so good!!! It's nice to be back at work in a way. I like having a break, and talking to adults. Even if my break is being at work, it's nice to put on some real clothes and feel human again. Sitting home all day every day can take its toll even when caring for a baby. The second day was harder because I realized how much I didn't get to see her. Because she takes a long afternoon nap she's always sleeping when I get in from work. My mom picks her up from the sitters so she is already home and snoozing. It got easier to leave her as the days went on. She likes to watch the kids running around during the day and every morning I say to her "Are you going to go see your friends." These are kids she'll grow up with for the next couple of years and I'm excited that she'll have little friends.

Yesterday was Jennifer's bridal shower!!! It was Avery's first time attending one. I wish I had taken a picture of her outfit cause she looked super cute, so I'm hoping I get one e-mailed to me!!! The shower went great. I'm lucky enough to be her Maid of Honor, and I've labeled Avery her mini flower girl. Well she can't walk down the aisle or anything, but I am going to get her a cute frilly dress to wear so she can get a picture of her and Aunt Jen taken. I can't even believe that her wedding is just around the corner. I feel like we're both still 15, listening to no doubt with glitter eye shadow on!!! I'm so excited and so happy for her!!!! And now that I have a kid, I can't wait for her to have one too!!!! So get on that Jen!!!!

And a picture of her in her first day at the sitters outfit :o)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Motherhood needs directions...

In the 10 weeks that the Diva has been born I have learned thing about babies, about myself and about being a mother and wonder why they never tell you these things:

I'm going to use bullets because I have a new found love for them...

  • Why wasn't I aware that holding a baby takes a toll on your body. I suddenly feel like I have aged 10 years in 10 weeks. My knees hurt from trying to bend while making sure I'm not going to drop the little one. I feel like the arch in my back is 10 times more arched. (apparently 10 is the lucky number in this bullet.)

  • How come no one tells you that you can see your baby's pulse through their soft spot!!! I nearly had a heart attack when I noticed this. I quickly googled and found it out that it was completely normal. Every mother that I have mentioned this to all knew about it. HELLO!!! why did no one tell me!

  • No one told me that there was a chance that my daughter would HATE the carseat.. like seriously hate it. It causes me such anxiety that I hardly take her out! I took her to the mall this past weekend, and it was a disaster. She cried the way there, cried in the mall, cried the way home. I think she has some social anxiety. She also gets very still or goes to sleep, when my family is over. Yes it's loud for me to. 4 boys running amuck is not fun, but I can deal with it. Avery doesn't seem to like it very much.

  • No one told me that I'd think her "social anxiety" is my fault because since it's Winter I haven't been able to take her out much.

  • I never in my life thought I'd be happy to have a poop filled diaper. Seriously. I have stomach issues and was praying that they didn't get passed down. So far so good!

  • I never thought that the fact that I will be leaving her with a sitter would devastate me. And I haven't even returned to work yet. I've cried every day this week. I go back to work on the 16th of this month. I'm not worried about her being taken care of. I worry about what if she cries all day because it's an unfamilar place (see bullet about social anxiety). I worry that she won't nap for them. Ugh, there's too much to write for this bullet. I hope you get the idea.

  • I never thought I'd be one of those Mom's who thought thier kid was the cutest ever.. but serioulsy I have the cutest kid ever!!!

  • I never realized that EVERYTHING comes second to taking care of my baby. (Priorities)

  • No one told me I'd check on the baby a thousand times before I fall asleep!! No lie, 1000!

  • I had no idea that her smiles would literally melt my heart and bring tears to my eyes! Even after having a day where she decides she is going to be a DIVA all day long, and then have her give me the biggest cheesiest grin she can show makes me forgot the fact that my back and my knees are killing me :o)

Here's a picture of us doing what we do best...