You think with me being busy doing nothing that I'd be blogging alot more.... I wish that were true... I have finally developed the swelling of the hands that I've read so much about.... and it's not fun. It makes it hard to type for an extended period of time... Also I think I have some carpul tunnel going on. My fingers are tingling, and I woke up a few times during the night with throbbing arms. The dr. says its from the baby laying on nerves and that it should subside once I deliver. Fingers Crossed.
Thanksgiving was really quiet. It wasn't the normal craziness of the holidays, but it was nice. Even though I didn't have Turkey. My grandmother decided that she runs an "Italian Household, not an American one", which is news to me. Yes, she is 100% Italian, but I never knew she wasn't an American. She's strange. So for Thanksgiving I had, Baked Ziti, Antipasto, and Garlic Bread. It was good, but felt like a normal Sunday dinner at her house.
This past Wednesday was my last day of work. I wasn't as upset as I thought I was going to be. Although I did have quite the meltdown Tuesday on the way home thinking about it. I was so busy the entire day that I didn't actually have to time to think about it. It hasn't hit me yet that I'll be out of work for a while. When I was straightening up my desk it felt like I was leaving for vacation. So it'll probably hit me after I've been home from a week. Trust me, I don't LOVE my job, I like it. I'll miss the daily routine of it, but I'm sure that once I'm in the routine of not going I'll love being home.. I miss being the slacker like I was when I was younger.. so I welcome the few weeks before my Diva is born that I can pretend to be 17 again and be lazy.
I probably have the most boring blog ever. Apparently my life isn't as interesting as I thought, or I just can't remember anything due to the pregnancy brain. Maybe next time I'll have something more interesting to say.
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12 years ago