Tuesday, November 18, 2008

my first time.

I'm officially breaking my blogger cherry, as this is my first blog ever. (Besides the one on my.space which I've used to mainly post random surveys)

I'm more of a reader than a writer, but decided to start a blog. My BFF recently started one as well, so make sure you check hers out. I was never into reading blogs until she bought the 'mom blogs' to my attention. I now spend my days at work reading up on the Mom's that are now famous to me. And I give them alot of credit for putting thier lives out there in the blog world. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing now that I've created this blog.

Some basic facts about me. I'm Carrie. I'm 26, currently 34.5 weeks pregnant, with a little girl, Avery Noelle. Which is either 7 and half or 8 months pregnant. Depending on if you divide by 4, or 4.333 because there aren't exactly 4 weeks in each month. In other words... I have 6 weeks left to go. I'm due December 26th, and I'm secretly, or not so secretly hoping she comes somewhere between the 19th and 22nd of December. As long as she's fully cooked of course.

I'm single, and was single when I got pregnant. I wasn't artificially inseminated or anything like that. I got pregnant the good old fashion way. I wasn't expecting this but she couldn't be anymore excited. The baby's daddy is "around" but this point I'm not really too sure on how involved he is going to be. I'll get into that more some day.

I've had a really great pregnancy and can't really complain all that much. I mean, I do complain, but I'm allowed since I'm pregnant ;o)

I guess this blog is basically going to be about becoming a Mom... and going at it alone with the much needed help of my great family and friends.. and about the daily randomness that goes on in my life. So that's all I need to say right now. I'll try to keep this updated once I go out on Maternity Leave in 6 more working days. Woot Woot.

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