Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Love this..

I've been known to bust out the "Beyonce Bounce" to Beyonce's song Crazy in Love. A few weeks ago, I tried to bust out the move to Single Ladies, it didn't quite work out with the extra poundage I'm packing at this moment, and after 3 seconds I got a cramp in my stomach. I thought I was going to Beyonce Bounce Avery right on out of there. I would have if I could have though.... I saw this youtube video and it's not Crazy in Love but it's totally gonna be my kid in about 3 year. Dancing Leotard and all!!

heres the link...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not nesting.

I'm still preggers. So I guess my nesting wasn't really nesting. Had another fun doctors appointment today, and I've made no progress since last week. It's not really a big deal, but I was hoping for some sort of change. She told me to go about my business and when it happens it happens. Thanks Doc.

Monday, December 15, 2008

nesting or just trying to kill time

This past Friday I was super bored at home that it was cranky and grouchy. So I decided to make a list today of things that I needed to do, or wanted to get done. This was my list.

  • Go to Loew's to pick up shelves
  • Go to 5below to look for Christmas presents for the boys
  • Bring the laundry up from downstairs
  • Clean out my car and take it to the car wash
  • Write the kids names in glitter on their Christmas stockings

That was basically the list.

I managed to do all the above.. as well as vaccum out my car. I also used an electric drill and screws to put up a retractable gate in front of my bedroom door to keep the dogs out, and hung a coat rack type thing on the back of my bedroom door.

My hands are swollen, and my back is killing me. But I was not bored at all today :o)

I don't know if this would be considered "nesting" or if I'm just looking for any possible sign of labor, but I do know that tomorrow, I'm not doing diddly squat. Oh yeah, except for going to the drs I'm not getting my hopes up for anything, but I'm hoping that I've progressed further than 1 cm.

Here's hoping.. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

eff off full moon.

So the full moon had no effect of putting me into labor!!! I guess it's just an old wives tale...

Oh well.

I guess I should be thankful that I have some more alone time, because one A comes I won't have any. I was such a grouch yesterday, that I was hoping for something to happen.

Friday, December 12, 2008


So I've been home on Maternity Leave for 2 weeks now, and I'm officially bored!!! I know once the baby is born I won't feel like that...

I'm definitely ready for her to make her big debut. There's a full moon tonight which some say will stir up labor, so I'm kinda hoping that happens.

Is it wrong to just want the baby here so I'm not longer bored ?

Is it wierd that I'd like to be working right now, just so I had something to do ????

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm officially on LABOR WATCH 2008. That's what Jen calls it anyways. I had my weekly doctors appointment tonight and I'm officially 1 cm dialiated and the baby's head is super low. Actually te doctors words were "Oh my, the head is really really low" which she said would make pushing easier since she's already pretty far down!! Also told me that she didn't think my baby would be bigger than 7 pounds but that's just her guess.

I will tell you that this internal exam was extremely painful. She said because the head is so low it pushes the cervix back and is harder to get to. Hence the reason I feel like I just lost my virginity all over again!!! Those weren't the doctors words, those are my words. I'll keep the details to myself, but having her try to find my cervix was no ride on the merry go round!!!

I'm starting to freak out about becoming a Mom. I guess it's just a mix of emotions wondering how I'm going to do it all. Wondering if I'm really ready for all of this!!!! I guess no one is really ever mentally prepared to becoming a first time parent though!

I've had an amazing pregnancy. I haven't had any real pregnancy symptoms except for the belly that I now have. I still forget sometimes that I'm not as little as I used to be, and try to squeeze behind chairs and things, but I get stuck often. I do love it though. I've loved being pregnant. I'm going to miss carrying Lil' Diva around with me wherever I go, even though I will be actually holding her in my arms. It's strange. I always knew that one day I wanted babies, but I never actually thought of what it'd be like to be pregnant, and it's more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. I'm sure If I was sick, and if I had gained a ridiculous amount of weight I would still think the same. I just can't wait to see her cute face!!

I thought I'd post pictures.. then and now...

June 2008. About 10-12 weeks

December 2008 36.5 weeks
Oh how I remember when I saw my belly in the first picture I thought it was huge!!! Funny how things change!!!! I now don't remember what it's like to have a belly that little!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

little boys...

Random Post.

I have 5 nephews... 4 of who are 7 and under, and when they leave our house this is what the toilet seat looks like...

I had to invert the picture and those black sqiggly lines are so you know where to look. But yup, that's pee... all over the toilet seat, and if you don't have shoes on, it would also be on your socks.

Apparently they are too short to aim properly.

The won't put the seat up, but then when they're grown men they don't put it down ? I don't get it.

Thank Heaven for little girls :o)