Monday, March 30, 2009
It's been a while....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Motherhood needs directions...
I'm going to use bullets because I have a new found love for them...
- Why wasn't I aware that holding a baby takes a toll on your body. I suddenly feel like I have aged 10 years in 10 weeks. My knees hurt from trying to bend while making sure I'm not going to drop the little one. I feel like the arch in my back is 10 times more arched. (apparently 10 is the lucky number in this bullet.)
- How come no one tells you that you can see your baby's pulse through their soft spot!!! I nearly had a heart attack when I noticed this. I quickly googled and found it out that it was completely normal. Every mother that I have mentioned this to all knew about it. HELLO!!! why did no one tell me!
- No one told me that there was a chance that my daughter would HATE the carseat.. like seriously hate it. It causes me such anxiety that I hardly take her out! I took her to the mall this past weekend, and it was a disaster. She cried the way there, cried in the mall, cried the way home. I think she has some social anxiety. She also gets very still or goes to sleep, when my family is over. Yes it's loud for me to. 4 boys running amuck is not fun, but I can deal with it. Avery doesn't seem to like it very much.
- No one told me that I'd think her "social anxiety" is my fault because since it's Winter I haven't been able to take her out much.
- I never in my life thought I'd be happy to have a poop filled diaper. Seriously. I have stomach issues and was praying that they didn't get passed down. So far so good!
- I never thought that the fact that I will be leaving her with a sitter would devastate me. And I haven't even returned to work yet. I've cried every day this week. I go back to work on the 16th of this month. I'm not worried about her being taken care of. I worry about what if she cries all day because it's an unfamilar place (see bullet about social anxiety). I worry that she won't nap for them. Ugh, there's too much to write for this bullet. I hope you get the idea.
- I never thought I'd be one of those Mom's who thought thier kid was the cutest ever.. but serioulsy I have the cutest kid ever!!!
- I never realized that EVERYTHING comes second to taking care of my baby. (Priorities)
- No one told me I'd check on the baby a thousand times before I fall asleep!! No lie, 1000!
- I had no idea that her smiles would literally melt my heart and bring tears to my eyes! Even after having a day where she decides she is going to be a DIVA all day long, and then have her give me the biggest cheesiest grin she can show makes me forgot the fact that my back and my knees are killing me :o)
Here's a picture of us doing what we do best...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2 months old..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
- peeing
- eating
- sleeping
All seem pretty simple right? Well not when you have a kid. Most people pee the first thing when they wake up. Since I now wake to a baby who is hungry and crying, I must pick her up first, warm her bottle and feed her. This process could take about 35 minutes depending on if she wants to play with the bottle or eat it. 35 minutes may not seem like a long time, but when you've been sleeping a couple hours and have to hold it, it's an eternity.
Stomach growling seems to be a normal part of my day now. If the baby is sleeping, and my stomach is growling what do I do? Do I eat, or do I sleep. Of course once she's down, I finally can use the bathroom without her demanding my attention. Sleep usually takes the cake over eating. But when it doesn't and I have to hold the Diva while she's sleeping because she'd rather sleep in my arms, I've become a master of one handed eating. I'm not making 3 course lunches, but my daily diet now consists of, Cup-O-Noodles, a Hot Pocket, or a bowl of Lucky Charms or Cherrios. All things I can "cook" with one hand, thanks to the microwave. Thank God for my Mom who'll make dinner and I get at least 1 decent meal a day, which more often then not I'm eating with one hand. I'm getting to be such a pro. One thing I'm looking forward to about going back to work is that I'll be back to eating 3 meals a day. Woot Woot.
My posts are always so all over the place... kind of like me...
Ohh.. Aves Valentines Day outfit and shoes came. I'm excited about that. I'd really like to take her to get her pictures taken, but I don't want to go there and have her sleep the whole time. I'm not paying at least a hundred bucks to have a professional picture of her sleeping. I'll take those my self.
And here's a picture.. the cutest feet I've ever seen. And I'm not even kidding they are seriously the softest things I have ever felt in my life.. I rub them on my face at least 10 times a day. Not kidding.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Family Leave

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I'm busy being a Mom. Part 2.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm busy being a Mom..
Wednesday 12/17/08
After a disapointing drs appointment the day before I was convinced that labor was never going to happen, and I'd have to be induced after my due date. I carried on the day like normal but had a hard time falling asleep that night before the baby was moving around like no ones business. Something she hadn't done in a while due to the fact that she was running out of room. I had finally fallen asleep at about 3 am.
Thursday 12/18/08
I woke up around 6:30 am to go to the bathroom, something that had become a normal part of my sleeping patterns, and my mother asked me if I was okay. I was I just had to pee. I laid back down and heard my mother leave for work. I didn't fall right back to sleep and at about 7 am I felt this shooting pain across the lower part of my back. I was like wow, that was strange, but didn't really think anything of it thinking that I had slept wrong, but it still felt odd to me. I couldn't fall back to sleep and it happened again, and continued happening about twice an hour. I started to get really nervous but didn't want to call my mom, or my sister because I didn't want them to worry over nothing. I was freaking out. I texted my friend Jennie who just had a baby in August to ask her what she thought. She said it might be back labor, which I had been convinced all along which was what I was going to have. I called my doctor who said that even if it was contractions they weren't regular till they were 5 minutes apart and to call back if that happens. That night me and Jen were going to go out to eat and get some Crab Legs. I sent her a text telling her about the pains I was having and that I didn't want to go out but that we could get take out. She came over around 5:30 and we ate some banging crab legs!! All the while still having these pains in my back at least 1 every 25 minutes.. still unsure if they were even contractions, but I had noticed that every time my back hurt, my belly would get super tight and hard. And they were definitely hurting more than then were in the morning. I carried on the rest of the night with the pains continuing not sure of what I should do. I watched Grey's, and thank God it was a repeat because by this point the pains in my back were coming closer together, but would rotate from hurting to not so bad. I kept googling "back labor" throughout the day and everything that came up, I thought could have been what I was having, but it really didn't pin point it, or maybe it was just that I was nervous and in pain that I wasn't able to grasp what I was reading. At about 11:oo I had one pain that literally made me bend over in pain, and I thought okay, these are definitely contractions, which I guess I always knew they were but I've never had them before so I was all types of confused. I texted my sister to tell her what was going on, and she asked me if I had been timing them, which I hadn't. We texted back and forth for a few minutes and I used those to time when I was having a contraction, and it was about every ten minutes. I woke my mom up to tell her I was just going to call the dr to see what she says. I called the drs answering service at about 11:30 pm and waited for her to call me back. I still have her call back locked in my "recieved calls" section. She called back at 11:39 pm. She asked me what was going on... and told me to go to the hospital and they would call her when they needed to. I started panicking a little bit but was not convinced I was in labor. I don't know if it was fear, or disbelief that I was actually going into labor....
To be continued....
I'm gonna stop this here... I can't copy this to save it and I've typed so much that I don't want to lose it. So I'll try to post the rest soon.