So according to my jobs maternity leave guidelines, you are eligible for 6 weeks paid leave through state disability, after the birth of the baby. Well my 6 weeks was up on Friday. I can not imagine having to leave the baby with her being so little. I'm not even 100% comfortable being a Mom yet. I mean I take care of her, and the fact that she's growing and thriving means I'm doing a good job, but I don't know how to do everything. I have yet to take her to the store with me because I don't know how I'm supposed to get a cart and put her seat in the cart. Because I'm worried that if I get a defective cart, which I know would happen, then I have to switch her carrier from one cart to the other, all while praying she doesn't start crying. I don't know how I'd go to work after a night like last night, when Avery decided she was going to wake up at 2am, 4am, and 6am. I'm so thankful that I am in the position that I'm in, that I am able to take Family Leave. You can put in for up to 12 weeks leave of absence. The down side is that it's all unpaid. I put in for 6 weeks because. I feel so much better knowing that I won't be going back to work till she is almost 3 months. I feel like I'll have things more under control and will know how to venture out with her.
On to other things....
I ordered this super cute Valentines day dress for her, as well as some really cute red sparkly shoes from The Children's Place. With all my nephews it has been one of my favorite places to shop for clothes for them because they have really cute things and for really good prices. I'm just a little annoyed because due to high orders items have been delayed 5-7 days for shipping. I was hoping to get them before Valentines Day because I wanted to go have her pictures taken. I guess if they aren't here I'll just have to buy her something else ;o)
And a cute new picture of the little diva to end my post..

6 weeks 1 day
love the outfit. love the shoes. love the girl. love it all!
I can't believe how big this kid is already. Bring her over.
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